Tuesday, June 1, 2010

First Post Rant (and definition of "coonery")

Well hello there. So this is my first post on this thing... Hopefully this works out. First off, the name is Giavanna. Simple yet difficult, I know. Now that we have got the basics out of the way, I will let you in on some things about me. I'm a 19 year old poor college student who is being treated like a 1760's slave at 2 part time retail jobs.. Yeah I know, it sucks. But I AM trying to make something of myself and get out of San Diego, CA SOME DAY. Now that you know that I'm (somwhat) educated, you MUST know that I do not tolerate or encourage coonery. What is coonery you say? I thought you'd never ask! Let's break it down, shall we?
Urbandictionary.com (because they are SUCH a credible source, eh?) defines a coon as: "An insulting name for a black person. Similar to "Nigger"."
MSN defines the suffix -ery as "activity or behavior"
Now, let's put it together! Coonery is the "activity or behavior" of acting like a "coon". And as you may (or may not) have noticed, my blog name is "cooneryisDENIED"... Which it is. So all coonery and tomfoolery of ANY sort (be it politics, religion, or pop culture most of the time) will be put on full BLAST. What I speak on this blog is the truth as I see it. You notice how "I" was italicized? That's because it's my blog. Which means I say what I want. So if this blog isn't to your liking, you may now click the little [x] at the top-right corner of the browser, please and thank you (:


  1. HATER! you would leave negative comments on my first post! i thought we were family.
